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Xano gives you a scalable server, a flexible database and a No code API builder that can transform, filter and integrate with data from anywhere.
Launch scalable products faster so you can focus on your users.
Flexible Database
Upgrade from a spreadsheet to a sophisticated database. Xano hosts your data on PostgreSQL, which is the most powerful open source database in the world. It provides the flexibility of a relational database along with the Big Data needs of a NoSQL solution.
No Code API Builder
Xano automatically generates CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for you, but that's just the beginning. You can create your own endpoints and define business logic as comprehensive or unique as your app requires.
Integrate And Connect To Any Platform With No Code
Xano provides an easy way to bring in data from any External API. You can then transform it, store it, and send it to any Front-end (Code or No Code) that you'd like. Thousands use Xano as their home base for data storage, transformation, and automation.
Xano Can Power A Website, Mobile App, And IoT Device
All At The Same Time
Xano powers thousands of backends ranging from comprehensive mobile and web applications to on-demand IoT applications that cities rely on. You can rest easy knowing that Xano gives you a scalable backend that can power every part of your business.
Test. Deploy. Monitor.
Xano is one of the few no code backend platforms that provides a comprehensive Database test environment, which allows you to easily switch between production and test data. We also provide API request history, and ways easy ways to monitor CPU Usage and Database Record utilization.
Think No Code Backends Can't Scale? Xano Can.
With Xano you don’t need a DevOps team. We handle everything for you.
Your Backend Is Secure
All data stored within Xano is encrypted at rest and transmission of all data is done securely over SSL. Xano also includes all common authentication capabilities for login, signup, and password policies.